Beacons Learning Centers

Supporting School Success through Afterschool and Summer Programs

YWCA Beacons Learning Centers are located at Hmong International Academy, Franklin Middle School and South High School. We offer youth a combination of academic and enrichment activities four days a week. Beacons Learning Center afterschool and summer programs support school success, while providing opportunities for learning and leadership.

In 2021 – 2022:


of Beacons participants stated that they had a positive relationship with a caring adult


of Beacons participants stated they had positive peer relationships


of Beacons participants felt that their culture was respected and they had a sense of belonging in program

Beacons at Hmong International Academy

YWCA Minneapolis has been offering school success programs to new American Hmong students for nearly 15 years. In 2005, the Hmong International Academy (HIA) school site was created by the Minneapolis Public Schools to serve immigrant Hmong students. A partnership between the YWCA Beacons Learning Center and HIA was established in 2009 to serve elementary-school-age students from the community. Each year, more than 200 youth attend afterschool and summer programs.

Learn more about Beacons at Hmong International Academy:

Marty Viscosi (they/them) —

Beacons at Franklin Middle School

In fall 2015, YWCA Minneapolis opened a Beacons Center at the new Franklin Middle School. This learning center offers high-quality programming to middle school students, focusing on leadership development, healthy life choices, college, and career readiness and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math). Franklin Middle School is a STEAM magnet middle school.

Learn more about Beacons at Franklin:

Aisha Wright,

Beacons at South High School

South High School became a part of the Beacons Network in fall 2023. High school students engage in a wide range of activities of their choice. The youth lead the development of the clubs offered, ranging from theater to weightlifting, from cooking to cultural advocacy groups.

Learn more about Beacons at South High School:


What participants are saying

“Being involved in Beacons has exposed me to so many new things! I‘ve made great friends. I get to be a leader and I represent my school in the community. I’ve been on college tours and I’ve helped teach others about my culture – and I am only in sixth grade. Every student should have the chance to be in Beacons!”