Our Voices Blog
Thousands Gather to Support 2024 YWCA Women’s Triathlon at Lake Nokomis
We celebrated the strength and resilience of female athletes and those identifying with womanhood at our 15th annual YWCA Minneapolis Women’s Triathlon on Sunday, Aug. 11, 2024, at Lake Nokomis. It is one of the largest triathlons of its kind in the contiguous United States.
Mari Ruddy, YWCA Triathlete, Writes Book, Volunteers for Minneapolis Women’s Triathlon
Women’s Triathlon participant Mari Ruddy recently published the book “Extreme Healing.” We spent some time discussing the book, her health challenges and how they fueled her experience as an endurance athlete.
Triathlete brings passion for the sport back to YWCA Women’s Tri
Kym Zest is returning to the YWCA Women’s Triathlon as Race Director! In her five-year break from the race she pursued other athletic achievements, started her own coaching business, and had a baby. Now, she’s back to serve the triathlon community, as it has been her home base since 1997.
Celebrating the Strength in All Women at the 14th Annual Women's Triathlon
As the largest all-women triathlon in the country, the race attracted participants ages 11 to 80+ with varying levels of experience, diverse backgrounds and powerful stories.
Triathlete Story: All About the Magnificent Mari!
Mari Ruddy is a Minneapolis local who has worn many career hats throughout the years. She is an amateur recreational triathlete, cyclist and runner that has participated in more than 40 triathlons, including a Half Ironman In this Q&A, Mari shares her story about how she started competing in triathlons, overcoming her health concerns, ways to stay motivated, the best advice she has for others and why she loves YWCA Minneapolis!
More Than 1,500 Triathletes Cross the Finish Line at 2019 YWCA Women’s Triathlon
More than 1,500 triathletes joined us for the 12th annual YWCA Women’s Triathlon last weekend. Many call it their favorite race of the year – it is truly a celebration of women and girls, and the power of our bodies to be strong, resilient and accomplish tremendous feats.
Triathlete Story: Staying Motivated and Achieving My Own Goals
Anne Hed, CEO of HED Cycling, shares her story about how she started competing in triathlons, the goals she sets to stay motivated and the best advice she has for others.
Racing to Get My Life Back
Learn more about Women’s Tri participant Molly Lethert and her journey back from amputation.